A Morning with Barbara Streisand at the Inn of Chagrin

I just got a little closer to the one and only Barbara Streisand! 🎶 As a music lover, there's never a moment in my life without some tune playing. Maybe it's because music quiets the noise in my head (lol), but it's also how my mom raised me and my siblings. We always had the record player going in the living room or the radio playing in the car, and my mom knew every word to every song. Barbara Streisand was one of those records spinning in our living room, and to this day, I remain a huge fan.

Sorry, I digress! Back to the story...

Each morning at the Inn of Chagrin, I take being the music in the lobby very seriously. I have to ensure the music that I ask Alexa to play sets the perfect mood for our guests. The other day, I decided that DJ Lobby would feature Babs! Barbara Streisand is one of the only artists with a large enough catalog to last the entire day.

During check-out, I was chatting with one of our guests who had a strong New York accent. Brooklyn and the Bronx, to be exact, and they were proud to represent. My daughter lives in NYC, so we had a lot to talk about. During our chat, I mentioned that I was playing one of their Brooklyn neighbors, referring to Barbara, and then he dropped the bombshell: "I went to school with her at Erasmus Hall High School."

Of course, I had to stop everything. This would be as close to Barbara Streisand as I would ever get! Questions flew out of my mouth. He said that he "knew of her" and mentioned that she really wasn't in school much because she was out performing. It made me realize that, although she is beyond talented, she went to high school like all of us. Her path was just different from mine. And to be honest, I’m the Innkeeper of the most incredible Inn of Chagrin in the best place ever, Chagrin Falls, and I get to chat with amazing guests, like the Berlins. I wouldn’t trade my path with anyone else’s path! But what I will do in invite Ms. Streisand to Inn of Chagrin.

Barbara, if you are ever in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, you always have a room at the Inn of Chagrin.

Now, what should DJ Lobby play tomorrow? Any suggestions? 🎧

Keep the music flowing!


The Inn of Chagrin: A Place of Cherished Memories


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